At Why Me Bail Bonds, we’re committed to providing the most affordable bail bonds possible for the people of Baltimore, Maryland, and one of the determining factors that will make that possible is the risk assessment process that we carry out. Our expertise when it comes to risk assessment is unparalleled – having been an operator in this industry for so many years now. We know what to look at to determine the likelihood of proceedings, and will act as fairly and neutrally as possible to make sure that each person is treated in an unbiased fashion. To find out a little bit more about the risk assessment process, what we look at, and how it affects the defendants in question, read on further below. Otherwise, our customer service team is always available to answer your questions both over the phone and online.
Fair Assessments
Many people are surprised to find out that bail bondsman services don’t always take on the requests that they’re given, but this shouldn’t be such a shock to people. Although it’s possible to recover the costs of a missing defendant through collateral, in many situations, it’s simply more trouble than it’s worth. But how is it possible to determine whether the person who is being charged is likely to skip the legal proceedings which they need to attend? In comes the risk assessment. We make sure that we act fairly and impartially, but using our keen knowledge and resourcefulness to make robust judgments.
Multifaceted Approach
What factors might influence a risk assessment process, and how do they weigh compared with one another? Risk assessments generally look at the most rounded view of the person that’s possible. It’ll look at their age, financial situation, living circumstances, family history, criminal history, debts owed, and so much more. This is a multifaceted approach that is intended to be comprehensive, which means that details aren’t missed out. With such a thorough insight into a person, it’s much easier to determine whether or not they’re likely to disappear.
Reliable Approach
One of the reasons that we so firmly believe in our risk assessment approach is that we’re able to point to our track record. We have dealt with hundreds of defendants in the past, with some of them less likely to flee, and others the opposite – and we have an extremely strong track record when it comes to determining what they’ll do. Our trustworthy and reliable service history makes it clear that we know what we’re doing – and that our judgments are entirely fair and unbiased.
Potential Risks
The fact of the matter is, if a bail bondsman, like ourselves, takes on a significantly risky defendant, there’s a good chance that there could major financial damage caused to the business. Risk assessments, where collateral might not be available, are the primary method for determining whether a risk is worthwhile, as the nature of the business is risky in and of itself. We can be relied on to make good decisions in this regard.