At Why Me Bail Bonds, we understand how challenging and difficult it is to navigate a situation where a loved one or a friend needs to pay bail, and we want to do everything we can to make the entire process as straightforward and manageable as possible for you. While a major part of making life simpler for you is providing the capital you need to cover the bail costs, it’s also about making the payment experience for you that much easier – and of course, making the entire process streamlined. If you think that you might be in a situation where you’re not able to give us the lump payments required for affordable bail bonds, you need to look at our easy payment plans as a potential solution. To find out a little more about how we can assist you here, read on below.
Expensive Bonds
Generally speaking, the amount that you’ll need to pay to post bail is expensive. Bail demands are routinely $10000 or more, and so it should hardly come as a surprise that most people can’t afford them. Of course, the amount that the bail will be set at will be determined by several factors, but most notably, the crime that the defendant is being accused of. Even a bail bond, which usually requires 10% from the customer, can be expensive to handle. This is why we provide a number of easy payment plan solutions – to do everything we can to make our services as accessible as possible.
Down Payments
The majority of the time, a bail bondsman will need a 10% down payment of the bail amount required by the court. Obviously, this is a tiny amount relative to the total bail payment that you’d otherwise have needed to pay. This 10% total can be a hard limit for specific situations, but it’s possible that you might be able to negotiate a lower amount with a payment plan. If we’re able to make any accommodations like this, you can be sure that we’ll do whatever we can to make it possible.
Installment Payments
Whether you’re dealing with large bail bonds totals, or it’s a relatively modest amount – it can still be overwhelming to try to make the upfront payment. If you cannot afford the bail bond in full, an installments payment plan could be the way forward. You’ll pay a lower down payment initially, and make up the remainder of the total payment through a series of payments over a longer period of time. This can make it possible to post bail, even if you need to stretch the payments out.
Further Details
If you have a solid financial history, credit score, and good collateral, it’s possible that you’ll be able to secure a payment plan on your own, but there are other situations where a co-signer might be required. A stronger financial history, either personally or for your co-signer, could help you to secure more favorable conditions for the payment plan. Naturally, we’ll do everything we can to give you a fair and manageable arrangement.