At Why Me Bail Bonds, we’re known for being one of the leading affordable bail bonds services in the Baltimore, Maryland region – but to be one of the best bail bonds services in the area, you need to do more than just provide good value and accessibility. We’re also concerned with making sure that each and every one of our customers gets access to the best service experience possible. If you or a loved one is in a legal dispute and you need to post bail, we can help you with that process, and even transport you to a location of your choice. By getting you back home, you can get on with other duties and activities relating to your impending legal case. If you’d like to hear more about our transportation and fast pickups service, all you need to do is rad on below. Alternatively, our customer service team can answer your questions.
24 Hour Availability
Bail bonds are processed at all sorts of times, and often, even in the middle of the night. Defendants can arrive at jail at pretty much any time, and the period that it takes to process the defendant, and the bail being posted, can vary considerably depending on the nature of the crime, or the amount of bail that’s required. Given those variations, it shouldn’t exactly come as a surprise that the defendant might be released at any time – and often these times are hugely inconvenient for a loved one to pick up the defendant. In those cases, it’s wise to use our pickup service, the convenience is unbeatable.
Covering Distances
Generally speaking, it’s unlikely that you’ll have any issues with us relating to the distance that the defendant needs to travel. When posting bail, there are often limitations relating to where the defendant can travel while the legal proceedings are still ongoing, so it’s unlikely that you’ll need us to travel really far. Within those limitations, we’re happy to go pretty much any distance. If you’re unsure whether we can cover your travel needs, our customer service team can provide clarity.
Play by Play Details
We already mentioned how the process for releasing a defendant can vary enormously, with some cases being processed in an hour, and others taking the majority of a working day. For a loved one, this can be frustrating, because the flow of information isn’t always forthcoming. We’re happy to provide as much information as possible to make sure that you know what’s going on, and that you don’t need to worry about something going wrong.
Restoring Comfort
The significant advantage of securing bail bonds is that the defendant is able to get temporarily free and comfortable, and in a position where they can adequately prepare a legal defense. Our fast pickups and transportation service ensures that the defendant has normality restored as quickly as possible, and can make the most of the newly restored freedom. We aim to get them home as quickly as possible, and we never let them down.